Understanding Asexuality: Exploring What Turns Asexual People On

Hey there! Have you ever wondered about the different experiences people have with attraction? It's a fascinating topic, and I recently stumbled upon a collection of 13 personal stories about asexual attraction that really opened my eyes. Each story is unique and offers a glimpse into the diverse ways people understand and experience attraction. If you're curious to learn more about this topic, I highly recommend checking out these personal experiences at this link. You won't be disappointed!

Asexuality is a sexual orientation that often goes misunderstood or overlooked in the dating world. Asexual individuals, or "aces," experience little to no sexual attraction to others. This can lead to confusion and misconceptions about what turns them on or what they find arousing. In this article, we'll explore the perspectives of 13 asexual people as they share what things can turn them on.

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What Does Arousal Mean to Asexual Individuals?

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Before delving into the specific turn-ons of asexual individuals, it's important to understand what arousal means to them. Asexuality is a spectrum, and not all asexual individuals experience the same feelings or desires. While some aces may not experience sexual attraction at all, others may have specific triggers or experiences that can lead to arousal.

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It's crucial to recognize that asexual individuals can still have romantic feelings, emotional connections, and intimacy with others, even if they don't experience sexual attraction. Understanding and respecting their boundaries and desires is essential in any relationship or interaction.

Exploring the Turn-Ons of Asexual Individuals

1. Emotional Connection: Many asexual individuals find that emotional connection and intimacy are significant turn-ons for them. Building a deep, meaningful connection with someone can be just as arousing for asexual individuals as physical attraction is for others.

2. Romantic Gestures: Aces may find romantic gestures, such as thoughtful gifts, love letters, or acts of service, to be incredibly arousing. These displays of affection can create a strong emotional connection and foster feelings of intimacy and arousal.

3. Sensory Stimulation: Some asexual individuals find that sensory stimulation, such as cuddling, hugging, or holding hands, can be arousing and pleasurable. Physical touch and closeness can create feelings of comfort and intimacy for asexual individuals.

4. Intellectual Stimulation: Aces may be turned on by intellectual conversations, deep discussions, and shared interests with their partners. Engaging in stimulating conversations and exchanging ideas can create a strong emotional and mental connection, leading to arousal for asexual individuals.

5. Romantic Fantasies: Asexual individuals may have romantic fantasies or daydreams that can be incredibly arousing for them. These fantasies can involve emotional connections, intimacy, and romantic gestures rather than sexual acts.

6. Aesthetic Appreciation: Aces may find aesthetic appreciation, such as admiring someone's appearance or beauty, to be arousing. This appreciation is not necessarily tied to sexual attraction but can evoke feelings of admiration and attraction for asexual individuals.

7. Physical Sensations: Asexual individuals may find certain physical sensations, such as a gentle touch or a massage, to be arousing and pleasurable. These sensations can create feelings of comfort, intimacy, and relaxation.

8. Trust and Safety: Building trust and feeling safe with a partner can be a significant turn-on for asexual individuals. Feeling secure and comfortable in a relationship can foster feelings of intimacy and arousal.

9. Acts of Affection: Aces may find acts of affection, such as kissing, cuddling, or holding hands, to be arousing and intimate. These displays of physical affection can create a strong emotional connection and lead to feelings of arousal for asexual individuals.

10. Shared Experiences: Asexual individuals may find shared experiences, such as traveling, exploring new places, or trying new activities with a partner, to be arousing and fulfilling. These shared experiences can create a bond and intimacy between aces and their partners.

11. Emotional Support: Providing and receiving emotional support from a partner can be incredibly arousing for asexual individuals. Feeling understood, validated, and cared for can foster feelings of intimacy and arousal.

12. Non-Sexual Intimacy: Asexual individuals may find non-sexual forms of intimacy, such as deep conversations, emotional connection, and companionship, to be incredibly arousing. These forms of intimacy can create a strong emotional bond and lead to feelings of arousal for aces.

13. Understanding and Respect: Finally, feeling understood and respected by a partner can be a significant turn-on for asexual individuals. Being able to communicate their boundaries, desires, and needs and having them respected can create a strong emotional connection and lead to feelings of arousal for aces.


Understanding what turns asexual individuals on is essential in building respectful and fulfilling relationships. Asexual individuals may experience arousal and intimacy in different ways than sexual individuals, and it's crucial to recognize and respect their desires and boundaries. By acknowledging and understanding the turn-ons of asexual individuals, we can create more inclusive and supportive dating environments for everyone.